Smooth customer journeys,
loyal long-term customers

Inspire brand loyalty with customer journey mapping and analytics that uncover issues and transform experiences.

Improve customer experiences
every step of the way

Customer journey mapping enables your team to better understand how customers interact with your brand. What’s going well and what isn’t? What resonates and what falls short? Customer journey analytics can help you to drill down on the most important opportunities to drive improvements, maximize resources, and deliver exceptional experiences that build loyalty.

Streamline success
by reducing friction

See the full picture

While many organizations rely solely on tracking overall trends, customer journey mapping allows you to build a more helpful view of how CX is changing across touchpoints. As a result, you can take action and make improvements exactly when and where it matters most.

Ask the right questions

Selecting the perfect questions can have a huge impact on both your response rates and the value of your analytics. Pick the metrics that matter most for each touchpoint, build in key drivers, and leave room for open-ended responses to capture unexpected insights.

Customize the conversation

Boost loyalty when you personalize engagement, from honoring customers’ preferred communication channels to delivering questionnaires that respect their time. From pre-populating known data to utilizing logic, streamline each participant’s experience.

Analyze on your own terms

Bring together insights from multiple projects to design a comprehensive view of the customer journey. Use tags to define key groups or moments for a closer look or to compare with other groups or timeframes.

Design differentiated journeys

Whether you sell different products, provide different services, or serve different groups of people, not all of your customers go through the same stages. Map the right journey for each group to find out exactly what’s working – or not.

Learn and evolve as you go

Customer journey mapping helps clarify the current state of your CX and set goals for future improvements. Learn as you go, adapting your strategies and questions to boost engagement at every touchpoint and build long-lasting customer relationships.

SogoCX enables
smooth customer journeys


Know exactly where to begin? Start from scratch! Need some help? Pick a blueprint! Utilize a phased approach to focus on what matters most to start seeing results soon.


Turn instant feedback into real-time insights so you can capitalize on opportunities as they arise, celebrating success and removing friction wherever possible.


As you deepen your understanding of the customer journey, you’ll uncover key drivers at critical moments so you can take action and build loyalty.

Measure what matters
at every stage

Pop quiz: What’s the most important moment in the customer journey? Whatever you chose – website visit, support call, upgrade opportunity – the most important moment is now. At each interaction, your customers expect to be consistently delighted. That’s not too much to ask, right?

Mind the gaps

When you deliver a positive and engaging customer experience at every stage, customers know what to expect – and they are more likely to stick around.

Automate follow-up

Thank participants for their feedback and keep the conversation going, reminding them you’re invested in their experience.

Trigger action

Whether it’s a notification to the right account manager or an integrated push to your CRM, turn responses into opportunities.

Deepen understanding

You can’t anticipate everything your customers might say, but you can learn and adjust as you go, like identifying new key drivers from open-ended responses!

find failures faster

If you don’t know when and where your customers are stumbling, someone else will catch them when they fall.

Catch on now

Customer journey mapping that inspires

To understand the customer journey, you need a good map. While customers may come or go at any stage, your ultimate goal is to ensure they clearly see a path forward with you and your brand. Done right, a user journey maps inspire your understanding – and your customers’ loyalty.

Set the stage

Define each stage in the customer journey clearly by bringing together elements from one or more survey projects. Question- and response-level tags make it easy to pull together common aspects, even when there are slight variations in phrasing.

Match the metrics

At each stage, choose which CX metrics are most important to measure. How soon is too soon to measure Net Promoter Score? Are you interested in Customer Effort Score, or is CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) or a custom metric more important?

Dive into the drivers

While CX is measured by metrics, it’s key drivers that have the most impact on metric changes. Understanding the weakest and strongest drivers at every stage offers the opportunity to maximize resources and measurable improvements.

Why does customer journey mapping matter?

If you’re not interested in customer retention, loyalty, or revenue, then customer journey mapping may not be of value to you. If, however, you’d like to maximize customer lifetime value (CLV), inspire brand ambassadors, and grow your business, customer journey management is critical. Understanding the customer journey enables you to build a better experience for your customers at every stage. When managed well, customer journey analytics uncover the key drivers that are impacting CX metrics at each customer journey touchpoint so you can take immediate action and consider strategic changes to improve your customers’ overall experiences. Reduced friction and improved CX inspire happier consumers and longer customer journeys.

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What CX metrics are most important in customer journey analytics?

The key metrics of customer journey analysis vary significantly by the customer journey that is being studied and its constituent customer journey touchpoints. Common metrics in customer journey analytics include CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score) and NPS (Net Promoter Score), though many organizations prioritize custom metrics that reflect their values. For example, Professionalism may be an important metric at every customer journey stage for one organization, and Quality of Care may be a core metric in a healthcare organization’s consumer journey.

Why are key drivers important in customer journey analysis?

Although core metrics like NPS and CSAT are important in customer journey analytics, they only tell part of the story. A customer journey map that indicates which stages show high CSAT and low CSAT is incomplete. However, customer journey tools that include questions about key drivers – important elements that influence the overall customer experience journey – allow the customer journey analyst to identify the strengths and weaknesses most closely correlated to potential improvements. With this information, customer experience journey mapping experts can identify not just what’s wrong but why it’s wrong and what to do about it – or conversely, what’s going well and how to keep it up!

What is the difference between a customer journey and user journey map?

The concept of user journey mapping has long been popular in the field of technology. Those who design apps and SaaS products (like Sogolytics!) review user experience (UX) to ensure that users have a smooth and seamless experience with the product through a user experience map. Customer journey mapping utilizes the same concept – tracking experiences to understand a consumer’s interactions at various customer journey touchpoints in order to improve their overall customer experience journey. While a user journey map may track experiences across a website or through a tool, omnichannel customer journey management may include a plethora of touchpoints – online, on the phone, or even in person. In general, both terms are used to study and improve the consistency and quality of experiences a consumer has with a particular brand. Whether you call it customer journey, user journey, or buyer journey, customer journey mapping always aims for a longer, more successful customer journey.

How can we improve our buyer journey?

Remember that a consumer is more than just a buyer. Understanding the motivations and challenges of each member of your target audience allows you to build a deeper sense of their experiences. While in some cases we see a customer journey B2B focus, there’s an increasing attention on the digital customer journey of individual shoppers. As a result, the tech industry’s lessons from user journey mapping can play a big role in helping to develop a more holistic understanding of customer journey mapping. While it may seem obvious to ask lots of customers lots of questions at all customer journey touchpoints, a phased approach to customer journey mapping is indicated. Learn, make improvements, and keep learning! Customer journey analytics can help to uncover where your efforts have been successful and which customer journey touchpoints need more work.

Why are customer journey tools useful?

While many organizations are happy to collect separate silos of data, customer journey mapping requires a dedicated customer journey tool that enables clear mapping of customer journey stages, deep customer journey analytics, and ongoing monitoring and follow-up triggers to streamline customer journey management in real time. Companies that focus on just one piece of the customer journey at a time struggle to see the full picture, but customer journey tools have evolved to deliver valuable insights that offer a solid ROI in improving the customer experience journey and building brand loyalty.

How many customer journey touchpoints are there?

Simply making a purchase qualifies consumers for a spot on your consumer journey map, but there are likely numerous customer journey touchpoints before and after that moment. The important point to consider here is not how many customer journey stages there are but how many you can effectively study and improve. It’s always a good idea to start small, with a phased approach, rather than trying to study all the points in your complete consumer journey simultaneously. As you expand, remember that the goal is to learn and improve, so think about where you have the greatest opportunity to grow – and where you can actually make changes. Customers who see positive changes are more likely to continue with you through the rest of the ideal customer journey you have mapped out for them.

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